(Updated on 20.06.2023 – added U-18, U-15, U-13 classes)

Time and place

The competition will be held on 25th to 27th of August on Järvakandi Archery Field in Estonia (location). The conduct of the competition is based on the requirements established by the Government of the Estonian Republic and the Estonian Archery Federation.


Friday, 25.08.

15:00-19:00 competition field opened for practice

16:00-19:00 equipment inspection

Saturday, 26.08.

9:30-10:00 equipment inspection

10:00-17:00 opening ceremony, 2 practice ends, ranking round (144 arrows), Gold Game

Sunday, 27.08.

10:00-11:30 mixed team event

13:00-16:00 individual Round Robin

16:30 award ceremony

* Organizers leave the right to change the schedule according to the number of participants.


Competition head judge is Andres Ansip.

Competition format

The competition is open for Recurve, Compound, Barebow and Longbow archers.

  • Ranking round will be shot with 6 arrows.
  • Round Robin duels will be shot with 3 arrows.
  • Mixed Team duels will be shot with 2 arrows.
  • The shooting will take place from one shooting line.

50+60m round (72a, d=122cm) + RR50m round (72a, d=80) + RR30m round (72a, d=122) + RR30m round (72a, d=122) + RR
Men Women2×70 meter round (144a, d=122cm) + RR + mixed team OR2×50 meter round (144a, d=80cm) + RR + mixed team OR2×50 meter round (144a, d=122cm) + RR + mixed team OR2×50 meter round (144a, d=122cm) + RR + mixed team OR
U-212x70m round
(144a, d=122cm) + RR + mixed team OR
2x50m round
(144a, d=80cm) + RR + mixed team OR
2x30m round
(144a, d=80cm) + RR + mixed team OR
2x30m round
(144a, d=80cm) + RR + mixed team OR
U-182x60m round (144a, d=122cm) + RR2x50m round (144a, d=80cm) + RR2x30m round (144a, d=122cm) + RR
U-152x30m round (144a, d=122cm) + RR2x15m round (144a, d=80cm)  + RR
U-132x15m round (144a, d=122cm) + RR

Round Robin

  • Individual Round Robin event is held for U-13, U-15, U-18 and 50+ classes, if there are at least 4 athletes in their class.

Mixed Team event

  • Recurve, Compound, Barebow, Longbow Mixed Team (1 man + 1 woman).
  • Mixed Team event is held if there are at least 4 teams in their class.
  • Mixed Teams can be formed of people, who live in the same country and there can be unlimited number of Mixed Teams per country.

NB! Mixed Team registration must be done before ranking round.


Winners of mixed team event and individual Round Robin will be awarded with special medals and diplomas.

Best archers in Recurve (Men and Women) and Compund (Men and Women) division will be awarded with prize money.

Entry fee

  • Entry fee for U-21 and Men/Women is 45 euros per athlete.
  • Entry fee for U-13, U-15, U-18 and 50+ athletes is 30 euros.


The date of registration is the date of making payment. In case you have done both – payment and filled in registration form – organizers will contact You.

List of registered archers.

Bank details for entry fee:

Name of account holder: MTÜ Järvakandi Vibuklubi Ilves

IBAN/ account nr:  EE432200221048733435

Name of the bank: Swedbank


Explanation: OPEN 2022 entry fee + archer’s name(s)


The organizers are offering following options for accommodation:

  • accommodation in Järvakandi Youth Center (1,1km from the competition field, 30 places available, 15.-eur per night);
  • accommodation in Eidapere (12km, availability and the prices from the organizers);
  • caravan camping nearby the competition field (free, to be agreed with organizers);
  • tent camping nearby the competition field (free, to be agreed with organizers).

Organizers information: Taavi Ennemuist, taavi.ennemuist@gmail.com , (+372 56605331).

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